
每周全球金融观察 | 第 143 篇:谁动了我的奶酪

来源:岭南论坛 时间:2023-06-19

      周二报告的美国 5 月 CPI 数据振奋人心,5 月 CPI 月率增长 0.1%,低于 0.2%的一致预期,也慢于 4 月的 0.4%。按年计算,CPI 为 4.0%,低于 4 月的 4.9%。请注意,5 月的 CPI 增幅还不到 2022 年 6 月 9.1%的一半。 

      整体通胀趋势是继续向更良性的通胀发展,尽管离美联储 2%的目标(核心 PCE 平减指数)还很远。我想指出的是,2%是一个目标,不是板上钉钉,也不是立法规定。 
      美联储在 6 月 14 日的第二天跳过加息是正确的。自 2022 年 3 月以来的 10 次加息,将隔夜利息从 0%提高到 5.00%-5.2%,这是近来 11 次会议中的第一次 FOMC 没有加息。尽管美联储暗示,如果通货膨胀继续顽固,或经济继续过热(政治上正确的说法),可能会增加加息。也许暂停和转折是正确的结论?也许 5 月 3 日是最后一次加息? 
      在大西洋彼岸,欧洲央行与美联储不同,周四将基准利率提高了 25 个基点至 3.5%,为 22年来的最高水平。在会后的新闻发布会上,欧洲央行行长 Christine Lagarde 评论说:"我们没有考虑暂停","除非基线预测发生重大变化,否则我们将在 7 月再次加息"。欧洲央行在与通货膨胀作斗争方面的强硬态度说明了欧元区在牺牲经济增长的情况下保持价格稳定的决心,特别是欧元区的通货膨胀率为 6.1%,高于美国的水平。 
      对于全球股票市场来说,这是值得纪念的一周。在上周正式结束 248 天的熊市(自 1948年以来最长的熊市)之后,标普 500 指数在周一达到了一个新的里程碑,马不停蹄地创下了 52 周的新高,将市场的熊市甩在了身后。本周,道琼斯指数、标准普尔 500 指数和纳斯达克指数分别上涨 1.25%、2.58%和 3.25%,年初至今涨幅分别为+3.48%、14.85%和+30.79%。值得注意的是,FANG+指数和 SOX(半导体指数)年初至今分别上涨 74%和 45%。2日经 225 指数本周势不可挡,在上周上涨 2.35%之后,本周又上涨了 4.47%。年初至今,日经 225 指数已经上涨了 29.17%。 
      事实上,本周(以及 2023 年的 YTD)的全球股票表现显著,在各地理区域和行业中都是如此。 
纳斯达克 100 指数(+37.88%)纳斯达克综合指数(+30.79%),日经 225 指数(+29.17%)准普尔 500 指数(+14.85%)MSCI 欧洲(+9.99%),MSCI 中国(+0.84%):今年以来的回报: 

2023 年至今的收益与往年相比,请参考下表:

所有数据截止到 6 月 16 日, *1 截止到 6 月 15 日


      自 5 月中旬以来,科技行业引领了牛市的反弹,特别是 Nvidia(YTD+192%)、FANG+指数(YTD+74%)和纳斯达克 100 指数(YTD+37.88%)。自 6 月初以来,涨势已经蔓延到更广泛的行业,甚至是小盘股。 
      罗素 2000 指数由罗素 3000 指数中最小的 2000 家公司组成,占罗素 3000 总市值的 8%(前1000 名:92%,后 2000 名:8%)。小盘股公司通常被视为更广泛经济预期的风向标。本月至今,罗素 2000 指数已经超过了纳斯达克 100 指数、纳斯达克综合指数以及 S&P500 指数。牛市已经蔓延。罗素 2000 指数的优异表现也表明,投资者正在走出 3 月/4 月美国银行业危机的阴影(硅谷银行、第一共和银行)。 
罗素 2000纳斯达克 100纳斯达克综合指数标准普尔 500:本月至今的回报:

不可阻挡的日经 225 指数:
      日经 225 指数 YTD 已经上涨了 29.17%,6 月至今上涨了 9.12%。在 2023 年的开始,这似乎是不可能的。我们中的许多人都会记得日经 225 指数在 1989 年 12 月 29 日(33.5 年前)达到了38,957.44 的峰值。在 6 月 16 日星期五,它收于 33,706.08 点。

      在 1990 年代中期到 2010 年代中期的许多年里,日经 225 指数处于绝对低迷状态,被全球投资界遗忘和放弃。任何有意义的复苏都转变成了抛售。"亚洲—除日本 "这个词被创造出来。 
      奥马哈的神谕(Warren Buffett)于 2022 年在日本进行了他罕见的大规模投资,投资于五家日本贸易公司(伊藤忠、丸红、三井物产、三菱公司和住友公司),并将每家公司的股份增加到 5%(到 2023 年第一季度增加到 7.4%)。圣人以日元投资,兑换掉期成美元以美元 0.5%的成本(无货币风险)。在投资的时候,这些公司的股息收益率在 5-6%的区域。以下关于累积回报率的图表(假设从 2022 年 1 月 1 日开始)绝对具有启发性。 


      牛頓 Issac Newton 第一定律指出,每个物体都将保持静止状态或在一条直线上做匀速运动,除非在外力的作用下被迫改变其状态。
      第一、第二、第三第四次工业革命和未来的工业革命是改变地缘政治动态、经济实力、行业、企业景观以及家庭财富的外部力量。在过去的四分之一世纪里,互联网的迅速采用和适应催生了各种创新,渗透到我们生活的各个方面,也渗透到公司业务中。企业的墓地里充满了那些曾经令人尊敬的公司,他们被互联网取代(颠覆)或未能适应和拥抱互联网。当时有一个流行词 "你愿意去颠覆还是被颠覆”? 
      约瑟夫•熊彼特 Joseph Schumpeter(奥地利出生的政治经济学家,1919 年曾短暂担任德国-奥地利财政部长,1932 年至 1950 年其去世期间曾任哈佛大学经济学教授)会认为这是“创造性破坏”。熊彼特被认为是 20 世纪最伟大的知识分子之一,他创造了“创造性破坏”这个术语来描述旧事物是如何被新事物不断取代的。 
      我们很多人都不加选择地使用过“范式转换”Paradigm Shifts 这个词,但没有多少人知道这个词从何而来。1962 年美国物理学家和哲学家托马斯•库恩 Thomas Kuhn 在其颇具影响力的著作《科学革命的结构》中创造了“范式转换”这个术语,描述了人们思考和做事方式的重大变化,这种变化颠覆并取代了之前的范式。 
      大约 1000 年前,中国宋朝(公元 960 年- 1279 年)有一首诗是这样写的:“长江后浪推前浪,浮世新人换旧人”这句出名的古诗词 (和“创造性破坏”的意思差不多)一直沿用至今(在中国被广泛引用)。时代使得在每一个行业中,新兴一代都比前一代更有价值,这是不可避免的。 
      世界已经发生了变化,而技术将加速这种变化,全球企业巨头正在发生变化,是创造性破坏还是范式转换使改变成为必然的呢? 人工智能(包括 ChatGPT)会是下一个 "范式转变 "吗?你会用你的事业、公司的生存和家庭的财富来打赌它不会吗? 
      华尔街有一个古老的辩论,"是银行造就了人,还是人造就了银行","是你以每小时 100 英里的速度移动,还是火车以每小时 100 英里的速度移动"?我们没有人能够跑得过高速列车。然而,如果我们上了高速列车,我们将以 100 英里的时速到达目的地。 


Alvin C. Chua

2023 年  18 星期日



Article #143: Who Moved My Cheese 

The May US CPI data reported on Tuesday was encouraging, increased by 0.1% MoM in May, below the 0.2% consensus estimate and slower than April’s 0.4%. YoY, the CPI was 4.0%, down from the 4.9% pace in April. Please note, the May CPI increase is less than half of 9.1% in June 2022.

The overall inflation trend is one of continuing progress toward more benign inflation, although far away from the Fed’s 2% target (core PCE deflator). I would note, the 2% is a target, not cast in stone nor legislated. 

The Fed is right to skip a rate hike the next day on June 14. After 10 rate hikes since March 2022, which brought overnight interest from 0% to 5.00%-5.25%, it was the 1st FOMC out of 11 meetings without a rate hike. Although the Fed hinted possibilities of additional rate hikes if inflation continues to be stubborn, or the economy continues to be overheated (politically correct statements). Perhaps pause and pivot are the right conclusions? Perhaps May 3 was the last rate hike? 

Across the Atlantic, the ECB diverged from the Fed and on Thursday nudged benchmark rate higher by 25bp to 3.5%, the highest level in 22 years. At the post meeting press conference, ECB president Christine Lagarde commented “We are not thinking about pausing”, “Unless there is a material change to the baseline forecasts, we would hike rates again in July”. The ECB’s assertiveness in battling inflation illustrates the ECB determination to maintain price stability at the expense of economic growth, notably with the Eurozone inflation at 6.1%, above that in the US.

It was a great week for the global equity markets. After officially ending the 248-day bear market (the longest since 1948) last week, the S&P500 reached a new milestone on Monday, making a new 52-week high without pausing, leaving market bears in the dust. For the week, the Dow, 2S&P500, and Nasdaq gained 1.25%, 2.58% and 3.25% respectively, YTD gains were +3.48%, +14.85% and +30.79% respectively. Notably, the FANG+ index and the SOX (semiconductor index) gained 74% and 45% respectively YTD.

The Nikkei-225 had an unstoppable week, gaining 4.47% this week after a 2.35% gain last week. YTD, Nikkei-225 has gained 29.17%. 

In fact, this week (and YTD 2023) has been notable for global equity out-performance, across geographic regions and industries.

Nasdaq 100 Index (+37.88%)Nasdaq Composite Index (+30.79%)Nikkei 225 Index (+29.17%), S&P500 (+14.85%)MSCI Europe (+9.99%), MSCI China (+0.84%):

Please refer to the following table for YTD 2023 performance vs prior years:


All data as of June 16, *1 as of June 15

Where do we go from here? 
Is the bull market limited to a handful of tech stocks?

Since mid-May, the tech sector has led the bull market rally, notably Nvidia (+192% YTD), FANG+ index (+74% YTD), and Nasdaq 100 Index (+37.88% YTD). Since the start of June, the rally has spread to a broader industry, even the small caps. 

The Russell 2000 index is comprised of the smallest 2000 companies in the Russell 3000 index, representing 8% of the Russell 3000 total market cap (top 1000: 92%, bottom 2000: 8%). The small-cap companies are often regarded as a bellwether for broader economic expectations. Month-to-date, the Russell 2000 index has outpaced the Nasdaq 100, Nasdaq Composite as well as the S&P500 indices. The bull market has spread … The Russell 2000 outperformance is also an indication that investors are getting over the March/April US banking crisis (SVB, First Republic).

Russell 2000Nasdaq 100Nasdaq CompositeS&P500: Month-to-date return:

The unstoppable Nikkei-225:

The Nikkei-225 Index has gained 29.17% YTD, and 9.12% so far in June. It seems improbable at the start of 2023. Many of us would remember that the Nikkei-225 Index peaked on December 29, 1989 (33.5 years ago) at 38,957.44. On Friday June 16, it closed at 33,706.08 

For many years during the mid-1990s through mid-2010s, the Nikkei-225 was in absolute doldrums, forgotten and given-up by the global investment community. Any meaningful recovery was met with selling. The phrase “Asia-ex-Japan” was created. 

The sage of Omaha (Warren Buffett) made his rare sizable investment in Japan in 2022, investingin five Japanese trading companies (Itochu, Marubeni, Mitsui & Co, Mitsubishi Corp, and Sumitomo Corp) and increased his stake to 5% in each company (increased to 7.4% by Q1 2023). The sage funded the investment in Yen, swapped to USD (without currency risk) at 0.5% USD equivalent cost. At the time of investments, the dividend yields of these companies were in 5-6% area. The following graph on cumulative return (assuming it started on Jan 01, 2022) is absolutely illuminating. 

Perhaps this time it will be different. We should listen to the wisdom of the sage. 

Who moved my cheese?

Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and future industrial revolutions are external forces that changed geopolitical dynamics, economic power, industries, corporate landscape, as well as family fortunes. The rapid adoption of and adaptation to internet over the past quarter century has spawned all kinds of innovations that permeated to every aspect of our lives, and well as corporate businesses. The corporate graveyard is full of once venerable companies who havebeen displaced (disrupted) by the internet or failed to adapt and embrace the internet. There was the buzz word “would you rather disrupt or be disrupted”?

Joseph Schumpeter (the Austrian born political economist, briefly served as Finance Minister of German-Austria in 1919, and from 1932 until his death in 1950, was an economics professor at Harvard University) would have argued it is “creative destruction”. Schumpeter is regarded as 5one of the greatest intellectuals of the 20th century, coined the term “creative destruction” to describe how the old is being constantly replaced by the new. 

Many of us have used the term “paradigm shifts” indiscriminately, but not many know where the word came from. It was American physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn who coined the term “paradigm shift” in his influential book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” in 1962, to describe a major change in how people think and get things done that upends and replaces a prior paradigm. 

About 1000 years ago in China, there was a poem during the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279 AD) that begins with “In the Chang Jiang River, the waves behind drive on those ahead, so each new generation excels the last one”. 

The popular phrase (pretty much the same meaning as “creative destruction”) continues today (and is widely quoted in China) that time makes it inevitable, in every profession, the rising generation is worthier than the former one. 

The world has changed, and technologies will accelerate the change. The titans of the global corporate world are changing. It is creative destruction or paradigm shifts that necessitated the change? Would AI (including ChatGPT) be the next “paradigm shift”? Would you bet your career, your corporate survival, and family fortune that it will not? 

There was an old debate on Wall Street, “Was it the bank that made the man, or the man who made the bank”, “Are you moving at 100 miles an hour, or is it the train that move at 100 milesan hour”? None of us can out-run the high-speed train. However, if we get on the train, we will arrive at our destination at 100 miles per hour. 

The investing world is an easier journey. Getting on the right train (the right asset allocation) is of utmost importance. It may change your fortune and your life. The key to investment success is to recognize the changing dynamics, and adjust our investments accordingly. 

Are you on the right train?

By Alvin Chua
Sunday June 18, 2023

East Asia and China equity markets performance vs the global peers:

Data as of 2023 June 16