
每周全球金融观察 | 第139篇:期货市场已反映了利率下调

来源:岭南论坛 时间:2023-04-15















CME 30天联邦基金期货(截至46日)的定价是到20239月为4.665%(与目前的4.75-5.00%相比)。然而,期货市场对此后的一系列快速降息进行了定价:202312月(4.24%),20243月(3.88%),20246月(3.405%)。46日的2年期美国国债收益率为3.834%,而38日(SVB前一天)为5.073%。然而,CME 90天欧洲美元期货对2年期美国国债隐含收益率的定价为3.52%


美国收益率曲线:1/2/2022 - 4/6/2023:大幅上移并倒挂:



Alvin C. Chua



The futures market has priced in interest rate cuts

Note: I was traveling the last three weekends, and skipped writing for 2 weeks. This week’s article is a day late. I will be traveling again in the next three weekends, and will endeavor to continue writing (with delay).

It was a holiday shortened week. The market has been holding up very well since the SVB implosion (March 9-12) and the Credit Suisse debacle (March 17-19). The decisive policy responses from the Fed (and FDIC) as well as the SNB (Swiss National Bank) averted a banking systemic risk, although the banking sector stress and its impact on the broader economy remain. We should note that policy responses to banking and financial stress have been decisively swift, bold, and timely; and with improving execution efficiency since the 2008 GFC and the 2020 Covid-19 disruption experiences.

YTD, all the major equity and fixed income indices are solidly in the blue, with the market pricing-in upcoming policy easing tailwind vs the economic downturn headwind. So far, the tailwind has gained the advantage. The rate cut anticipation propelled the fixed income asset classes to a great Q1 return as well as this week.

Please refer to the following table for YTD 2023 performance vs prior years: 


All data as of April 6-7

Where do we go from here? 

Cash continues to pour into US Money Market Funds:

US money market fund AUM has sky-rocketed to $5.25 trillion by April 5, from $4.89 trillion (on March 8), an increase of $360 billion. On the other hand, the banking system deposits have declined from $17.66 trillion on March 1 to $17.35 trillion by March 29 reporting week, a decline of $310 billion.

US Money Market Fund assets (@4/5) and bankdeposits (@3/29):

The fallout from SVB and the rude awakening that the US banking system is sitting on $620 billion of unrealized losses on security investments (as of 12/31/2022) will no doubt negatively impact bank’s willingness and ability to lend, which will negatively impact the GDP growth.

The 2-yr US Treasury yield was 5.073% on March 8 (the day before SVB) and ended last week at 3.834%, a 124bp decline. The market is pricing-in Fed rate cuts and accommodative monetary policy, both to pro-actively avert a possible credit tightening cycle, as well as to allow banking system time to repair its balance sheets.

Unrealized losses will handicap the banking system’s willingness and ability to lend:

US banks are sitting on $ 620 billion on unrealized losses from security investments:

MBS has been the culprit but be vigilant on CMBS:

The Federal ReserveReverse Repo has ballooned: 

The Fed’s reverse repo (sell securities, absorb money) reached $2.5 trillion after the SVB debacle, and was still at $2.173 trillion as of April 6. Is the excessive reverse repo indicative of a) abundance of excess liquidity in the banking system, or b) banks are reluctant to lend (parking money at Fed instead of lending & investing)?


Interest Cut(s) are on the way:

The CME 30-day Fed Funds futures (as of April 6) is pricing in 4.665% by Sept 2023 (vs 4.75-5.00% presently). However, the futures market priced in rapid series of rate cuts thereafter: Dec 2023 (4.24%), March 2024 (3.88%), June 2024 (3.405%). The 2-yr US Treasury yield was 3.834% on April 6 vs 5.073% on March 8 (the day before SVB). However, the CME 90-day Eurodollar futures is pricing-in the 2-yr US Treasury implied yield at 3.52%.

Despite the dramatic yield curve down shift since March 8, the US yield curve is still significantly higher than the start of 2022, and inverted. A prolonged period of inverted yield curve will only add more pains to the banking system (HTM losses).

US yield curve: 1/2/2022 – 4/6/2023: Dramatic upward shift and inverted:

The market at this juncture is betting that the Fed (and the ECB for European banks) will indirectly bail out the banks by lowering short-term interest rates (creating a positive spread between short-term deposit rates and medium-term investment yields, as well as normalizing the yield curve (upward sloping) to help banks reduce the $620 billion of unrealized losses.

I agreed, and I shall add: it will be a tremendous tailwind for equities and fixed income.

By Alvin Chua

Sunday April 9

East Asia and China equity markets performance vs the global peers: 

Data as of April 6-7