
每周全球金融观察 | 第137篇:硅谷银行不会成为下一个雷曼_也不是银行业煤矿中的金丝雀

来源:岭南论坛 时间:2023-03-15

     美联储加息(一年内从0%升至4.5%)和持续的收益率曲线倒挂使得在本周出现一个主要的受害者-- SVB(硅谷银行),该银行在周五被FDIC(联邦存款保险公司)接管,并将其资产置于接管状态。 








     周四和周五,几家中型银行股与SVB一起被严重抛售。PacWest Bancorp的股票在两天内下跌了54%,第一共和银行下跌了30%。投资者也不分青红皂白地抛售大盘股。BKX指数(美国银行业指数)在周四和周五分别抛售了7.7%3.91%。本周,BKX指数下跌了15.73%,抹去了2400亿美元24家银行的BKX指数的市值。 











来源:Yardeni & Associates 









作者:Alvin Chua 





 SVB is not the next Lehman, nor a canary in the banking coal mine 

     The Fed rate hike (from 0% to 4.5% in a year) and the persistent yield curve inversion claimed a major victim this week – SVB (Silicon Valley Bank), which was taken over by the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) on Friday, and placed its assets in receivership.

     Few people outside of California or the tech sector have heard of Silicon Valley Bank. The Bank (holding company) was IPO’ed on July 1, 1983, and it grew spectacularly during the tech boom, ranking #16 in assets among US financial institutions at the end of 2022.

     SVB caters to California’s tech start-ups and VCs and has grown fast alongside those industries for years, particularly after the 2020 pandemic tech boom, which led to SVP’s demise this week.SVB’s deposit grew spectacularly since 2020, from US$60 billion in Q1 2020 to US$200 billion by Q1 2022. However, unlike most legacy commercial banks, which make a living taking deposits and lending money at a spread, SVB does not excel in lending. Instead, SVB invested the bulk of the deposits in low/no credit risk US Treasuries and MBS (Mortgage-backed Securities). The investment book went from about US$27 billion in Q1 2020 to US$128 billion by the end of 2021.  


     The Fed rate hikes of 2022 resulted in a sharp rise in deposit rates, but SVB locked in lower yielding long-duration securities. SVB was not able to increase deposit rates to retain the deposits, as the deposit rates (floating funding cost) and investment returns (fixed) were at risk of turning negative. SVB’s depositors were mainly tech institutions, which are highly sensitive to higher deposit rates at other banking institutions, and moved their deposits elsewhere.

     The end came this week when SVB announced a fire sale of US$21 billion of bonds (at a loss of US$1.8 billion after tax), to reinvest in higher yielding shorter-duration securities (the yield curve is inverted) and boost balance sheet flexibility to meet potential deposit outflows. SVB (parent company) stock plunged from $267.83/share on Wednesday to $106.04/share on Thursday, and halted trading on Friday, before the FDIC took over.California regulator said in a filing Friday that SVB customers tried to withdraw $42 billion, about a quarter of the bank’s total deposits on Thursday alone. There is little SVB can do to stop the outflow, as US$151 billion of the bank’s US$173 billion of deposits were uninsured. 

     It is fair to say SVB stock is worthless. On Friday, SVB’s senior debt was trading at 45 cents, and junior debt fell as low as 12.5 cents on the dollar.

     SVB was prudent in credit risks, and has some of the safest assets in the world of finance, but it failed in two days. Post-mortem analysis will show that the debacle was triggered by the classic yield curve mismatch, not on risky loans, but on long-duration low credit risk fixed income securities. Credit risk kills, but duration risk can be fatal too.

     Several midsize bank stocks were severely sold off along with SVB on Thursday and Friday. PacWest Bancorp’s stock fell 54% in 2 days, and First Republic Bank fell 30%. Investors indiscriminately sold large cap stocks too. The BKX Index (US banking index) sold off 7.7% on Thursday and 3.91% on Friday. For the week, the BKX index was off by 15.73%, wiping out US$240 billion of market value in the 24-bank BKX banking index.

Please refer to the following table for YTD 2023 performance vs prior years: 


All data as of March 10, *1: as of March 9

Where do we go from here? 

Rational Expectation or Irrational Exuberance? 

     One of the big questions coming out of the SVB debacle will be which banks misjudged the mismatch between the floating cost of short duration deposits and the fixed yield and long duration of their assets. This is very different from the bad lending and excessive leverage that haunted the 2008 financial crisis.

     A recent report from an investment bank ranked the 100 largest US banks in terms of various balance-sheet characteristics. SVB was 99th in the proportion of its deposits that were under $250,000, at less than 3 per cent. The large business depositors of SVB are extremely price sensitive compared to small retail depositors. The proportion of total bank assets held in securities, SVB was first, at 55 per cent. Most banks own lots of floating rate commercial and consumer loans that pay more when rates rise. SVB has a significant ALM (asset and liability management) mismatch. This week’s events were the consequence of years of ultra-low interest rates.

     The risk of contagion within the banking system appears to be limited. But at the end of every aggressive interest rate increase cycle, something in the financial system invariably breaks (credit, ALM mismatch, leveraged, structured products, EM, FX). I believe the failure of SVB this week does not herald another 2008, but it could mark the beginning of the breakage phase.

     Many have argued that the inverted yield curve is a harbinger of an impending recession. Wall Street veteran Ed Yardeni this week made a great point that the inverted yield curve could in fact be signaling a break in the financial system if the Fed continues to tighten monetary policy. 


Source: Yardeni & Associates

     The meltdown at SVB may be the beginning of a credit crunch for tech startups since the bank has been a major lender in that space. However, I doubt that it is the canary in the coal mine for the overall credit market or the banking system.

     If there is good news this week, it would be a red flag to the Fed that by raising interest rate too rapidly over the past year, together with the persistent inverted yield curve, the result has been significant unrealized losses on investment securities in the banking system, and the diminishing ability to continue the positive carry (funding cost vs investment yield).

Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investment Securities in Banking Sector


Source: FDIC

     I noted that the 2yr UST yield has declined from 5.07% on Wednesday to 4.59% by Friday, and the 10-yr UST yield has declined from 3.99% to 3.70%. The market is pricing in that the Fed willblink as financial stability is at stake. Despite hawkish testimony from Fed Chairman Powell last week, the failure of SVB could add to drags on the U.S. economy while the recent moderation in wage growth diminishes the case for further aggressive Fed tightening. 

     Having been a former Lehman employee who lost his inflation adjusted life-time pension with the Lehman demise, I do realizeit is much safer to predict a disaster that does not materialize (type I error) than to dismiss the possibility of one that does (type II error). However, it is my judgement that the SVB saga is not another Lehman moment, nor a canary in the banking coal mine.

By Alvin Chua 

Saturday March 11

East Asia and China equity markets performance vs the global peers:


Data as of March 10, 2023